DLP projection equipment after nearly 20 years of development, gradually in recent years has been a serious impact on LCD products, in order to cope with the market changes in the environment, using LED light source DLP projection equipment in recent three years has been the promotion and application of large scale.
Known to all, the traditional DLP projection equipment most criticized is the use of the UHP light source, the average life of 6000 hours due to the user's use of cost has not decreased, and the LED light source is at 10 times the UHP using his excellent handling this question. But now the LED light source is not a flawless white jade? In use and pay attention to what?
First, the choice of brightness and color gamut
LED光源虽然在传统的野外LED 显现屏中早已达到了K级流明的亮度,但是在DLP的运用中现在还遍及停留在600-800流明这个区间内(高亮作业形式),所以关于运用环境的环境光线要做更严厉的操控,以便将客户关于LED光源亮度缺乏的敏感度降到最低。
Although the LED light source in the traditional LED display in the field has already reached the level K lumens brightness, but in the use of DLP is still stuck in the 600-800 lumen throughout this range (highlighted work form), so on the use of environmental light to do more strict control, so that the customer on the LED lack of brightness of light source the sensitivity to a minimum.
Because of the wide color gamut of LED light source, we have the opportunity to use in a more cluttered environment. If the ambient light is usually cold white light or incandescent lamp, then advocate the color temperature can be adjusted in the scale of 7500-9300K, so that the human eye to feel a higher brightness, color more gorgeous.
Two, heat dissipation
LED light source because of spectral characteristics, resulting in the case of equal brightness, the light source part of the heat is higher than UHP. Therefore, the requirements of the whole projection display unit for the heat dissipation planning and the control request of the environment temperature are higher. Now the main way of heat dissipation is air-cooled and water-cooled two. It should be said that each has advantages and disadvantages. Air cooling type contrast traditional, sophisticated, water-cooled cooling power slightly higher than air cooling, but the planning is difficult, the reliability of a long time to be checked.
Three, protection
UHP the traditional light source because life is short, brightness decay rapidly, resulting in the operation, the timing demands a higher frequency, brightness, color uniformity can be maintained in a certain level. The number of LED light source, improved high low attenuation characteristic of excellent situation together, because there is no color wheel, you don't have to think about the influence of long time operation of the dust caused by the machine output color. So, the demand for protection of the human cost is greatly reduced.
Four, the use of capital
Because the LED light source life reached 60000h, and no color wheel, so the theory within the equipment's normal use cycle no longer thinking supplies cost,
In summary, LED light source projector than in the use of cost UHP protection effect, a major step forward, as long as the light brightness as soon as possible was broken, it will lead to anticipate all the high-end large screen splicing in a certain time shopping mall.
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